Link to TUC's > Join a Trade Union website.
If you are experiencing problems in your workplace, typically the first step to dealing with the issue is to raise a grievance.
Usually, an employer will provide a formal procedure for raising a grievance, this would usually be given to you in a handbook or staff intranet.
If your employer doesn’t have a formal procedure, you can follow the > ACAS Code of Practice.
Likewise, should your employer have concerns about your work, they might decide to take disciplinary action against you.
Your employer should follow a set disciplinary process, as stipulated in your handbook or the above ACAS Code of Practice.
Should they not follow this procedure, this may be grounds for unfair disciplinary action.
If you are a member of a trade union, please consult with a union rep to discuss any problems that you are experiencing at work.
The ACAS website provides an insightful summary of > employment rights and rules. (https://www.acas.org.uk/advice)
Should you need to speak to an employment adviser, you can contact the ACAS helpline: 0300 123 1100.
For advice on maternity rights, please contact > Maternity Action. (https://maternityaction.org.uk)
Link to TUC's > Join a Trade Union website.
Gov UK advice pages
Generally, you can access the UK Government's advice on employment issues by using the gov.uk website > UK Government employment advice.
Disclaimer - While reasonable efforts have been made to supply credible organisations' websites, Sharon Hodgson is not responsible for their content and their use is entirely your own decision.
If you are able to provide any updated information on these resources, Please email: [email protected]
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