Sharon Hodgson MP

Washington & Gateshead South Constituency

News Highlights

Sharon responded on behalf of the Labour Opposition to a Westminster Hall debate on dyslexia.

Debate on Dyslexia 14.12.11

Sharon responded on behalf of the Labour Opposition to a Westminster Hall debate on dyslexia. Read more

Sharon responded to a debate on School Food called by Andrew Gwynne MP on behalf of the Opposition.

Debate on School Food 19.07.11

Sharon responded to a debate on School Food called by Andrew Gwynne MP on behalf of the Opposition. Read more

Sharon was invited to give a keynote speech to the Pre School Learning Alliance 50th anniversary conference at Hammersmith Novotel.

Pre School Learning Alliance conference 17.06.11

Sharon was invited to give a keynote speech to the Pre School Learning Alliance 50th anniversary conference at Hammersmith Novotel. Read more

Sharon was responding as Shadow Minister for Children and Families to a debate on Family Policy called by Conservative MP Jessica Lee.

Family Policy Westminster Hall debate 04.05.11

Sharon was responding as Shadow Minister for Children and Families to a debate on Family Policy called by Conservative MP Jessica Lee. Read more

Sharon took part in the Second Reading debate of the London Olympic Games and Paralympic Games (Amendment) Bil

Olympic and Paralympic Games Bill 28.04.11

Sharon took part in the Second Reading debate of the London Olympic Games and Paralympic Games (Amendment) Bil Read more

As Shadow Minister for Children and Families, Sharon wrapped up a 3 hour debate on Sure Start called by HM Opposition.

The debate was on the following motion: That this House believes that improving the life chances of children and young people from all backgrounds should be central to Government policy; recognises that the Sure Start network of 3,600 Children's Centres, introduced by the previous administration, is crucial in delivering high quality early education and early intervention for children, as well as support, advice and specialist services for parents and carers; notes that the funding to local authorities for the Early Intervention Grant in 2011-12 represents a real terms cut of 22.4 per cent. nationally, compared to the 2010-11 allocations before in-year cuts to area based grants; recognises that, in the context of this cut to early intervention funding, the large, front-loaded cuts to other local authority funding streams, and the removal of the ring-fence around Sure Start funding, Sure Start Children's Centres will inevitably be put at risk; notes that before the General Election the Prime Minister promised to protect and strengthen Sure Start; and therefore calls on the Government to protect the Sure Start network of Children's Centres by thinking again about their deep cuts to Sure Start funding, to monitor the evidence and, if local authorities are choosing to disinvest in Sure Start centres, to commit to reinstating the ring-fence for Sure Start funding to ensure that vital and valued services are not lost.

Sure Start Children's Centres Opposition Day Debate 27.04.11

As Shadow Minister for Children and Families, Sharon wrapped up a 3 hour debate on Sure Start called by HM Opposition. The debate was on the following motion: That this House... Read more

Sharon responded as Shadow Minister to a Westminster Hall debate on SENs called by Conservative MP Alun Cairns.

Debate on Special Educational Needs 30.03.11

Sharon responded as Shadow Minister to a Westminster Hall debate on SENs called by Conservative MP Alun Cairns. Read more

Sharon used the opportunity of a debate on the Budget to raise many concerns about the impact of the Government's policies on her constituency and constituents.

Budget 2011 debate on economic growth 24.03.11

Sharon used the opportunity of a debate on the Budget to raise many concerns about the impact of the Government's policies on her constituency and constituents. Read more

Sharon was invited to address an audience of Parliamentarians and foreign diplomats at a lunch in Westminster organised by Christian Embassy to mark the centenary of International Women's Day.

International Women's Day speech 08.03.11

Sharon was invited to address an audience of Parliamentarians and foreign diplomats at a lunch in Westminster organised by Christian Embassy to mark the centenary of International Women's Day. Read more

Sharon was invited to address the Children's Centres in Crisis Symposium, organised by the Pen Green Children's Centre and Research Base in Corby, Northamptonshire. 

Children's Centres in Crisis Symposium 03.03.11

Sharon was invited to address the Children's Centres in Crisis Symposium, organised by the Pen Green Children's Centre and Research Base in Corby, Northamptonshire.  Read more

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