Sharon Hodgson MP

Washington & Gateshead South Constituency

Sharon Hodgson MP helps support Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal 2016

Sharon met with ex-service men and women volunteer poppy sellers, who are giving up their time this month once again, to raise money and awareness, for this year’s appeal.  2214 (Usworth) Squadron, Air Training Corps Cadet volunteers were also out in good force to help make sure the appeal is a big success.


(pictured above) Sharon with the volunteer poppy sellers - the Washington Branch of the Royal British Legion and the 2214 (Usworth) ATC Cadets - at ASDA in the Galleries, Washington

The money raised helps fund the welfare work of the Royal British Legion, as they provide through-life care to anyone who has served in the British Armed Forces, as well as their families.


(pictured above) Sharon with Washington Royal British Legion volunteer poppy sellers in Sainsbury's in the Galleries, Washington


Visit the Royal British Legion website >

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