Sharon spoke in the debate on a Select Committee report into the creative economy to press the case for higher status for art and design education.
As Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Art, Craft and Design in Education, Sharon took part in a debate on a report from the Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee into the measures needed to support the creative industries, which are playing an ever-greater part in the UK's economy.
Sharon stressed the need to ensure that young people are enthused and equipped with the right skills in order to not only meet the needs of the current creative sector, but also to spur it on and continue its growth in the future, arguing that the current marginalisation of artistic subjects in schools as a result of Michael Gove's education reforms runs contrary to that aim.
During her speech, Sharon repeated calls for the STEM category (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) of subjects, which are currently seen as the priority for students to pursue, should be expanded to STEAM, including arts.
Sharon's full speech can be read here.