Sharon Hodgson MP

Washington & Gateshead South Constituency

Useful links

Useful websites for constituents

Local help and advice services

Sunderland City Council directory - for help and advice on a range of local services for residents and business owners.

Find your local Sunderland Councillor - to help with complaints about local issues such as planning, waste disposal and highways.

Contact your Labour Members of the European Parliament for the North East - to raise issues relating to EU policies and regulations. 

Citizens Advice Bureau Washington/Sunderland - for help and advice on housing, debt and financial matters.

Northumbria Police - for information on local policing services, as well as making non-urgent crime reports.

National links

H.M. Government Gov.UK Information Service - collated information on services from across Government departments, including tax, benefits and identity services.

The Equality and Human Rights Commission - for information on your rights at work and elsewhere.

Financial Ombudsman Service - for information on making complaints against financial institutions.

Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman - for information on making complaints about local or national public services, apart from councils.

Local Government Ombudsman - for information on making a complaint against your local council.

Legal Ombudsman - for information on making a complaint about legal service providers you have used.

The Property Ombudsman Service - for information on making a complaint about estate or letting agents.

The Housing Ombudsman - for information on making a complaint against your landlord, including social housing providers.

Prisons and Probation Ombudsman - for information on making a complaint against HM Prison Service, the UK Border Agency or the National Probation Service.

Trades Union Congress - for information on your rights at work and the benefits of joining a union.

The Labour Party - for information on our vision for a One Nation Britain.

UK Parliament - for information on the history, workings and proceedings of Parliament, as well as coming to visit.

They Work for You - information on the record of MPs and Peers

Other local websites

Arts Centre Washington - for information on exhibitions and community events

Bowes Railway blog - for information on the world's only operational preserved standard gauge cable railway system.

Tyne & Wear Archives and Museums - for information on local cultural and historical attractions - for information on local recycling facilities. - for user-friendly links to local services and information.

Sunderland Families Information Service - for information on local childcare providers and other services for families. 

Sunderland Carers' Centre - for information on local support services for those providing care to family members and loved ones.

Nexus - for information on local bus services and the Tyne & Wear Metro

If you think you have a useful link for residents of Washington and Sunderland West, then please forward your URL to my office and we may consider adding it to our list.

Disclaimer: Whereas reasonable efforts have been made to list credible organisations' websites, Sharon Hodgson is not responsible for the content nor the availability of these external websites.

Sharon Hodgson is not responsible for any information whatsoever published about her on any website other than

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