Sharon Hodgson MP

Washington & Gateshead South Constituency

Sharon in and around Washington and Gateshead South - some highlights


Read Sharon's other posts on this subject here: Rolton Kilbride

This week (1st Nov 2107), Sharon has written a letter to Sunderland City Council regarding the proposed Rolton Kilbride Gasification plant in Washington, on behalf of constituents, to register her objection to the planning application which was received on the 23rd October. 

This follows concerns raised by many constituents who have written to Sharon over recent weeks and also from her research on the proposed plant, which included attending one of the public exhibitions put on for local residents by Rolton Kilbride. 

After coming to an informed decision, Sharon believes that this plant would not be beneficial to the local people of Washington and Sunderland West and has set out her reasoning for opposing the plant in a letter to the Council (see below), including: the impact on traffic and congestion in the area; the impact on the environment and the emissions that will be released; the impact on jobs, and; the impact on local communities in the immediate vicinity of the plant and the wider area. 

Sharon is encouraging as many local residents to submit their own comments on the planning application to ensure that the concerns of residents are registered fully and in numbers that show the wide-scale opposition to the plant. Local residents can submit their comments by going to Sunderland City Council's website and logging in to add their comments. This can be done here.

You can read Sharon's original letter to the Council by going to this link or viewing it below.





07/11/2017 - Read Rolton Kilbride's response here >

17/11/2017 - Read the response from Sunderland City Council here >


Read Sharon's other posts on this subject here: Rolton KilbrideThis week (1st Nov 2107), Sharon has written a letter to Sunderland City Council regarding the proposed Rolton Kilbride Gasification plant... Read more

As Honorary President of the Washington Branch of the Royal British Legion (RBL), Sharon helps the RBL and the Durham Light Infantry (DLI) launch their poppy appeal for 2017, at Sainsbury's and ASDA at the Galleries in Washington.

Sharon joined ex-service men and women volunteer poppy sellers, who are giving up their time this month once again, to raise money and awareness, for this year’s appeal.


Sharon helps RBL and DLI launch poppy appeal 2017

As Honorary President of the Washington Branch of the Royal British Legion (RBL), Sharon helps the RBL and the Durham Light Infantry (DLI) launch their poppy appeal for 2017, at... Read more

Sharon Hodgson MP's report - Sep-Oct 2017 number 97


Click on the picture above to read Sharon Hodgson MP's report - News from Westminster - Sep-Oct 2017 number 97

Sharon Hodgson MPs report Sep-Oct 2017 number 97

Sharon Hodgson MP's report - Sep-Oct 2017 number 97 Click on the picture above to read Sharon Hodgson MP's report - News from Westminster - Sep-Oct 2017 number 97 Read more

After forwarding residents' concerns on to the City Council, here is the response, posted here by way of an update.  This is the latest reply as at 02/10/2017.

Click on the image below to download it.


Update - Response from Sunderland Council on proposed Rolton Kilbride gasification plant in Washington

After forwarding residents' concerns on to the City Council, here is the response, posted here by way of an update.  This is the latest reply as at 02/10/2017. Click on... Read more

Sat 9th Sept, 2017


Caption: Above, Sharon attends public exhibition by Coast Communications for the propsed Rolton Kilbride gasification plant at Washington.


Caption: Above, Sharon talking to an emissions expert at the exhibition.


Caption: Above and below, Sharon discussing the exhibition with Washington Councillors Dianne and David Snowdon.

Sharon attends Rolton Kilbride's public exhibition on the proposed gasification plant - at the Washington Leisure Centre, Sat 9th Sep 2017

Sat 9th Sept, 2017 Caption: Above, Sharon attends public exhibition by Coast Communications for the propsed Rolton Kilbride gasification plant at Washington. Caption: Above, Sharon talking to an emissions expert... Read more

As part of the First Phase of the Path to Excellence consultation, Sharon was invited to attend a meeting of the Sunderland and South Tyneside Joint Health Scrutiny Committee to give her views on the consultation and the proposed plans.

Sharon's comments from the meeting can be read below. 

If any constituent wishes to include their views in this consultation, they can visit the Path to Excellence website and fill out the survey there: 

Further details about the proposed plans can be read on the Path to Excellence website. 




Thank you, Chair.

Thank you for inviting me to speak to your committee this afternoon.

I don’t want to speak for too long, as I know there is a packed agenda of other stakeholders to hear from.

In my contribution, I just want to raise some points about the consultation along with seeking reassurances that as many people as possible are being consulted with, especially those from disadvantaged groups.

As we know, these proposed plans come at a time when the NHS is facing serious reductions in its resources form central government with every growing demand by patients.

The work of our NHS staff is commendable and we should never stop praising them for their hard work and dedication – something I know every one of us in the room here today can agree upon.

However, I want to seek assurances from those here today that the plans being put forward will not put further strains on our already overly stretched NHS staff and guarantee that patients will not see a diminished quality or access to services?

Capacity has already been mentioned with regard to Sunderland Royal Hospital and I’m sure will be mentioned again by others. But also the Royal Victoria Infirmary and Queen Elizabeth Hospital could be effected.

We cannot escape the fact that these plans are about cuts. Cuts which are passed off as efficiencies but nevertheless, are being inflicted upon our NHS from a national position which is ideologically driven.

We know efficiencies can always be made when it comes to our public services, but the drive to make our NHS more efficient should never be done in a way that impedes on the experiences of staff and patients alike.

I’m aware some centralising of services make sense and can greatly improve the services offered so this is about taking the public, staff and patients on this journey with a full and transparent consultation, which is why we are all here today.

Service users and staff should be at the centre of every decision made. I know that my constituents want to see quality NHS services in their local area that they can access with ease by staff who are confident in the structures designed.

That is why I welcome that this consultation is happening, whilst recognising there are concerns about how it is being done. For example, am I correct in thinking that people are not allowed or encouraged just to turn up at the public hearings – but have to register first to be allowed to attend?

People should have their voices heard on these proposals, as we know that people value our NHS so dearly. The consultation events being held are important, but as we know people may not have the chance to attend these sessions and will instead take part in the survey on the Path to Excellence website.

Though, from recent information released to the public, there have only been 414 survey responses to date. Is that correct? It may be a little higher since that figure was released. Now I don’t have the population figure to hand that this consultation covers but it’s many hundreds of thousands, possibly not much short of ½ million. So that does seem a little low to me?

So I have genuine concerns that these responses will not fully reflect the thoughts of local people, and as a crucial way for people to engage with this consultation, I hope that the two remaining sessions planned will be opened up to as many people as possible to allow people with as many opportunities as possible to engage with the future of local provision.

Decisions as great as these should have the fullest engagement from local people so that services reflect what they wish and expect.

It is also important that groups who are harder to engage with, through many complex reasons, have their say including young people and older people, disabled people, BME communities and LGBT people.

Some of these groups access services on a regular basis and it is crucial that they are listened to, just as all of us should be.

I understand that support is out there for charities and organisations to provide routes in for these groups to engage with the consultation – and I would welcome an update from the committee on this and what they hope to do further to ensure everyone is listened to.

These plans will change the very nature of our local NHS services. Consultation is important so that people are not caught unaware when a service may close and they then struggle to access it.

I hope the committee can give me the reassurances that this consultation is being done in a way that everyone can have their say, and we can ensure our NHS reflects the wishes of local people. 

Sharon attends Path to Excellence Consultation Meeting

As part of the First Phase of the Path to Excellence consultation, Sharon was invited to attend a meeting of the Sunderland and South Tyneside Joint Health Scrutiny Committee to...

Information for my constituents regarding Rolton Kilbride's proposed renewable energy centre Hillthorn Park in Washington

Rolton Kilbride proposed renewable energy centre Hillthorn Park in Washington

Information for my constituents regarding Rolton Kilbride's proposed renewable energy centre Hillthorn Park in Washington Read more

Sharon Hodgson MP's report - Jul-Sep 2017 number 96


Click on the picture above to read Sharon Hodgson MP's report - News from Westminster - Jul-Sep 2017 number 96

Sharon Hodgson MPs report Jul-Sep 2017 number 96

Sharon Hodgson MP's report - Jul-Sep 2017 number 96 Click on the picture above to read Sharon Hodgson MP's report - News from Westminster - Jul-Sep 2017 number 96 Read more

Metro extension to Washington - Transport Questions

Transport Topical Question - Thursday 13 July 2017Hansard Column 422 Read more

Sharon Hodgson MP's report - Jun-Jul 2017 number 95

Sharon Hodgson MP report number 95 

 Click on picture above to read Sharon Hodgson MP's report - News from Westminster - Jun-Jul 2017 number 95

Sharon Hodgson MPs report Jun-Jul 2017 number 95

Sharon Hodgson MP's report - Jun-Jul 2017 number 95   Click on picture above to read Sharon Hodgson MP's report - News from Westminster - Jun-Jul 2017 number 95 Read more

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