Image copyright: NK-Photography, 2024.
Sharon Hodgson MP appointed UK Trade Envoy to Japan
Image copyright: NK-Photography, 2024. Read more
Westminster Hall Debate - Secondary Ticketing Market
(Click on the image above to watch Sharon's contribution)
Westminster Hall Debate - Secondary Ticketing Market -24 Oct 2024
Westminster Hall Debate - Secondary Ticketing Market (Click on the image above to watch Sharon's contribution) Read more
Following my two recent questions in the Chamber, I met with the Secretary of State for Justice, Lord Chancellor Alex Chalk to discuss the sentencing of the man responsible for the tragic death of my young constituent, Gregg McGuire. I was joined in this meeting by Gregg’s mother, Alison, his stepfather, Daniel, and Sergeant Lowery the lead officer on the case.
I am deeply appreciative of the Lord Chancellor taking the time to personally listen to Gregg’s tragic case and the empathy and support he showed to the family.
I am encouraged by his commitment to hear for himself the initial prosecution statement and the sentencing remarks made by the presiding Judge.
In the pursuit of justice for Gregg and other victims of road traffic incidents, I stand united with Alison and her family.
Meeting with Lord Chancellor, and Secretary of State for Justice - 23rd November, 2023
Following my two recent questions in the Chamber, I met with the Secretary of State for Justice, Lord Chancellor Alex Chalk to discuss the sentencing of the man responsible for...
It's high time Government was held accountable for the crisis in mental health provision.
ECHO COLUMN: It's high time Government was held accountable for the crisis in mental health provision.
It's high time Government was held accountable for the crisis in mental health provision. Read more
A Tory PM - This is not what integrity, professionalism and accountability look like.

ECHO COLUMN: This is not what integrity, professionalism and accountability look like.
ECHO COLUMNA Tory PM - This is not what integrity, professionalism and accountability look like. Read more
The damage that the Conservative Party has done to our country has been immense.
While the economic shocks from Covid-19 and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine could not be predicted, Britain is lagging in its recovery compared to our G7 counterparts.
ECHO COLUMN: Our communities desperately need stability, something which successive Conservative Governments have denied us for far too long.
The damage that the Conservative Party has done to our country has been immense. While the economic shocks from Covid-19 and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine could not be predicted, Britain... Read more
My condolences are with the Royal Family tonight upon the news of the death of Her late Majesty The Queen.
A figure we had come to see as timeless, her service was an example to us all.
She leaves the monarchy, the nation and the world a better place through her devotion to duty.
Sharon Hodgson MP
Message of condolence
My condolences are with the Royal Family tonight upon the news of the death of Her late Majesty The Queen.A figure we had come to see as timeless, her service...
Sharon Hodgson, MP for Washington and Sunderland West, pledged to work with the British Heart Foundation (BHF) to help make ‘science fiction a reality’ during a special parliamentary reception.
Image copyright British Heart Foundation, 2022.
Celebrating 60 Years of life-saving research - British Heart Foundation
Sharon Hodgson, MP for Washington and Sunderland West, pledged to work with the British Heart Foundation (BHF) to help make ‘science fiction a reality’ during a special parliamentary reception.Image copyright... Read more
Sharon Hodgson MP is proud to join Oxfam this September in taking a stand against the 'fast fashion' industry.
Caption: Sharon Hodgson MP and Dawn Butler MP, wearing personal second-hand items in support for Oxfam's Second-Hand September. (Photo Credit: Oxfam, 2021)
Sharon supports second-hand September 2021
Sharon Hodgson MP is proud to join Oxfam this September in taking a stand against the 'fast fashion' industry. Caption: Sharon Hodgson MP and Dawn Butler MP, wearing personal second-hand... Read more
Royal Albert Hall: Charity Tribunal
Attorney General Questions: Royal Albert Hall: Charity Tribunal
Royal Albert Hall: Charity Tribunal Read more